Flow-Monitor in NS3. A Perfect Tool For Evaluation Purposes. (Throughput, Delay, Jitter, Packet Loss and Other Parameters in NS3)

Flow Monitor:
                A set of evaluation criteria are the focus of every simulation, using which a proposed scheme can be evaluated. In communications, specifically wireless communications, more specifically LTE, major evaluation criteria are:
  • -          Delay (end-to-end mean delay)
  • -          Throughput
  • -          Packet loss ratio
  • -          Mean Jitter
  • -          Mean transmitted packet size (bytes)
  • -          Mean received packet size (bytes)
  • -          Means transmitted bitrate (bit/s)
  • -          Means received bitrate (bit/s)
  • -          Mean hop count
  • -          Lost packets

In any NS3 simulations, you can easily calculate parameters mentioned above using FLOW-MONITOR.

How to use flow-monitor in code:

1-      Include flow-monitor header file.
#include "ns3/flow-monitor-module.h"
2-      Add following code snippet before “Simulator Stop();”. This code will assign a monitor to each node.
Ptr<FlowMonitor> flowMonitor;
FlowMonitorHelper flowHelper;
flowMonitor = flowHelper.InstallAll();

If you are interested in installing monitor to each node separately, then use “Install” method instead of “InstallAll”. But I would prefer to install flow-monitor on all nodes J .
flowMonitor = flowHelper.Install (nodes);

3-      Finally, we print output to an XML file. Add this line after “Simulator Run();”.
flowMonitor->SerializeToXmlFile("NameOfFile.xml", true, true);

That’s it. Using above three steps, you can easily add flow monitor to all node. The NameOfFile.XML file will be generated in your NS3 directory.

How to visualize output:

The XML file can be viewed by any XML viewer. I found NetAnim (A basic guide to netanim is here) to be the best viewer for the flow monitor.
1-      Open NetAnim (Make sure you see three tabs in netanim, Animator, Stats, and Packets)
2-      Click “Stats” tab
3-      From dropdown menu, select Flow-monitor. (The dropdown menu will show IP-MAC in start)
4-      Click “FlowMon file” button on the right.
5-      Browse to your NS3 directory and select “NameOfFile.XML” file.
6-      The file will display every flow with its parameters and values.
For your convenience J .

Using all these values, many evaluation parameters can be calculated. Next section will show you how to calculate those parameters from these values.


Some parameters are directly calculated and rest can be calculated using these formulae.
Throughput (bps): rxBytes*8 / [(timeLastRxPacket/1,000,000,000)- (timeFirstRxPacket/1,000,000,000)]
Throughput (Mbps): rxBytes*8 / [(timeLastRxPacket/1,000,000,000)- (timeFirstRxPacket/1,000,000,000)] / 1024 / 1024


References and material:
  1. FlowMonitor — a network monitoring framework for the Network Simulator 3 (NS-3), online: http://telecom.inesctec.pt/~gjc/flowmon-presentation.pdf
  2. NS-3 Advanced Tutorial: Visualization and Data Collection, Online: https://www.nsnam.org/tutorials/consortium13/visualization-tutorial.pdf
  3. https://www.nsnam.org/docs/models/html/flow-monitor.html
  4. Throughput: http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.simulator.ns3.user/18301
  5. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/ns-3-users/NuScxlCA8H0
  6. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/ns-3-users/Z2pgY6tbJgM/viiOwlfeu4kJ
  7. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/ns-3-users/8rxd2VfHsFg
  8. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/ns-3-users/nXuyOZaazbU

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